Triceps Push Down - Cable Reverse

Recommendations: 2-3 Sets, 8-12 Reps, 80 Wght

Beginner Triceps Lats Abdominals Strength High Low Cable Machine Pull Gym

Purpose: This exercise is used to target the triceps muscle to develop size, definition, strength, endurance and power.

Benefits: This exercise works all heads of the triceps, but focusing on the lateral head.

Stand facing a high pulley cable with a straight bar, your feet flat on the floor. Take a reverse grip on the bar. Keep your elbows fixed in place about two inches in front of your body. This is your starting position. Pull down on the bar, in as wide a semi-circle as possible, until your arms are straight. Exhale during this movement. Do not let your elbows drift sideways or forward during the movement. Return the bar to the starting position. Inhale during this movement. Your elbows should remain stationary. Repeat for the recommended number of repetitions.

The triceps is a straight muscle with three heads. The long head straightens the elbow, adducts the shoulder (brings it from a side position to the body) and extends the shoulder (brings the arm from a front position down to the body). The lateral head (outer head) straightens the elbow. The medial head also straightens the elbow.

Step 1

Stand facing a high pulley cable with straight bar. Take a reverse grip, your elbows fixed about two inches in front of your body.


Stand facing a high pulley cable with a straight bar, your feet flat on the floor. Take a reverse grip on the bar. Keep your elbows fixed in place about two inches in front of your body. This is your starting position.

Step 2

Press the bar until your arms are straight, using a wide semi-circle.


Pull down on the bar, in as wide a semi-circle as possible, until your arms are straight. Exhale during this movement. Do not let your elbows drift sideways or forward during the movement.

Step 3

Return to the starting position, keeping your elbows stationary.


Return the bar to the starting position. Inhale during this movement. Your elbows should remain stationary.