Recommendations: 1-3 Sets, 8-12 Reps, 5-15 Dur
Stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart, toes are pointing straight ahead. Place your arms out at your sides. Bend your knees slightly. This is the starting position. Raise your arms up to come overhead. Your fingertips should point toward each other. Press your hands upward as if you are lifting something overhead, continuing until your arms are extended fully overhead. As you complete this movement, you straighten your knees and hips, putting the line of force through the palms of your hands. Inhale during this movement. Ensure that you keep your shoulders relaxed as you move your arms overhead. Return to the starting position, bending your knees slightly and returning your arms out to your sides. Exhale during this movement.
Step 2
Raise your arms overhead, finger tips pointing toward each other. Press your hands upwards as if you are lifting something overhead.
Raise your arms up to come overhead. Your fingertips should point toward each other. Press your hands upward as if you are lifting something overhead, continuing until your arms are extended fully overhead. As you complete this movement, you straighten your knees and hips, putting the line of force through the palms of your hands. Inhale during this movement. Ensure that you keep your shoulders relaxed as you move your arms overhead.