Recommendations: 2-3 Sets, 8-12 Reps, 80 Wght
Lie on a flat (supine) bench with your head close to one end. Hold a barbell with the palms of your hands facing up and about shoulder-width apart. Extend your arms so that the barbell is above your chest and your elbows are slightly bent. This is the starting position. Keep your arms in the bent-arm position. Slowly lower the barbell in an arc behind your head until you feel a stretch in your chest. Inhale during this movement. Hold this position (briefly 1-2 seconds). Return the barbell to the starting position (keeping your arms in the bent-arm position) through the same arc as was used for lowering the barbell. Exhale during this movement. Repeat for the recommended number of repetitions. .
Step 1
Lie on a flat bench, head close to one end, holding a barbell above your chest, palms facing up, shoulder-width apart.
Lie on a flat (supine) bench with your head close to one end. Hold a barbell with the palms of your hands facing up and about shoulder-width apart. Extend your arms so that the barbell is above your chest and your elbows are slightly bent. This is the starting position.