Pull Down - V Bar

Recommendations: 2-3 Sets, 8-12 Reps, 80 Wght

Intermediate Lats Traps Biceps Posterior Delts Strength Lat Pulldown Pull Compound Gym

Purpose: This is a good exercise for increasing strength and size in the upper back. It also involves the biceps and the posterior delts.

Benefits: This exercise is a strong, effective free weight back exercise for building muscle mass and size of the lats and middle back.

Sit in the pulldown machine with your abdomen against the restraining bar. Grasp a V-Bar handle. Lean back slightly. Feel the stretch in the lats. This is the starting position. Pull the bar down to your middle or lower chest by arching your back and thrusting your chest up to meet the bar. Lean further and further back as the movement continues, until at the end of the movement you are leaning back at about 70 degrees. Exhale during this movement. Slowly return to the starting position, letting your shoulders extend. Inhale during this movement. Repeat for the required number of repetitions.

There are a number of muscles in the back, although the two major muscles are the lats and traps. The lats pulls the arm back and down towards the spine. The traps pull the shoulder blades back and towards the spine.

Step 1

In a pulldown machine, grasp the V-bar. Lean back slightly.


Sit in the pulldown machine with your abdomen against the restraining bar. Grasp a V-Bar handle. Lean back slightly. Feel the stretch in the lats. This is the starting position.

Step 2

Pull the handle down to the middle or lower chest, arch your back. Lean back to about a 70 degree angle.


Pull the bar down to your middle or lower chest by arching your back and thrusting your chest up to meet the bar. Lean further and further back as the movement continues, until at the end of the movement you are leaning back at about 70 degrees. Exhale during this movement.

Step 3

Return slowly to the starting position, arms straight, shoulders extended.


Return slowly to the starting position, arms straight, shoulders extended. Inhale during this movement. Hold a V-Bar handle. Lean back slightly. Feel the stretch in the lats.