Recommendations: 1-3 Sets, 4-8 Reps, 80 Wght
Position a kettlebell on the ground between your feet. Stand by the kettlebell so that it intersects the middle of the feet which should be set very wide. Bend at the hips to grip the kettlebell with both hands. The arms should be directly below the shoulders, inside the legs. Use a pronated grip or a mixed grip. Relax the shoulders. This is the starting position. Lower your hips and bend the knees slightly. Look forward with your head, keep your chest up and your back arched. Inhale during this movement. Raise the kettlebell to shoulder height by pushing with your legs and rotating your glutes and hips forward and up. Continue lifting until you are in a full upright position. Your chest should be pushed out and your shoulders should be pulled back. Exhale while doing this movement. Return to the starting position by reversing your previous movement until you are again squatting by the barbell. Inhale while doing this movement. Repeat for the required number of repetitions.
Step 1
Position yourself behind a kettlebell, hips up.
Position a kettlebell on the ground between your feet. Stand by the kettlebell so that it intersects the middle of the feet which should be set very wide. Bend at the hips to grip the kettlebell with both hands. The arms should be directly below the shoulders, inside the legs. Use a pronated grip or a mixed grip. Relax the shoulders. This is the starting position.
Step 3
Push your butt forward and up to start lifting the weight. Continue until you have completely stood up.
Raise the kettlebell to shoulder height by pushing with your legs and rotating your glutes and hips forward and up. Continue lifting until you are in a full upright position. Your chest should be pushed out and your shoulders should be pulled back. Exhale while doing this movement.