Recommendations: 2-3 Sets, 15-25 Reps
Hang from a chinning bar with an underhand grip. Feel the stretch in your back and shoulders. Bend your knees so that your calves are parallel to the floor while your thighs continue to be perpendicular to the floor. This is the starting position. Pull yourself up in a chin up. At the same time bring your knees up to your chest. Exhale during this movement. Hold this position for 2-3 seconds. Slowly return to the starting position. Inhale during this movement. Repeat for the recommended number of repetitions.
Step 1
Hang from a chinning bar, calves parallel to the floor, knees at a 90 degree angle.
Hang from a chinning bar with an underhand grip. Feel the stretch in your back and shoulders. Bend your knees so that your calves are parallel to the floor while your thighs continue to be perpendicular to the floor. This is the starting position.
Step 3
Return to the starting position.
Slowly return to the starting position. Inhale during this movement. Hang from a chinning bar with an underhand grip. Feel the stretch in your back and shoulders. Bend your knees so that your calves are parallel to the floor while your thighs continue to be perpendicular to the floor.