Cable Row - One Arm

Recommendations: 2-3 Sets, 8-12 Reps, 80 Wght

Intermediate Lower Lats Center Traps Posterior Delts Spinal Erectors Obliques Leg Extensors Strength Rowing Machine Pull Gym

Purpose: This is a good exercise for increasing strength and size in the lower back.

Benefits: This exercise is a strong, effective free weight back exercise for building muscle mass and size of the lats. It is especially useful for the lower back.

Sit with legs extended, knees slightly bent, braced against the foot bar of a cable rowing machine. Hold in your right hand a single-handle attached to the cable, extending the arm forward, palm down. Feel the stretch in your middle back and your lats. This is the starting position. Pull back on the handle, while straightening your body, leaning slightly backward and thrusting your chest forward. The handle should rotate so that your palm ends up facing your side and be at your waist, not your chest. Your elbows should end up close to your sides at your waist. Bring the shoulder back and the scapula in toward the spine. Exhale during this movement. Return the handle slowly to the starting position, while leaning forward and arms straight, letting your shoulder extend as far as possible. Inhale during this movement. Repeat for the required number of repetitions. Sit with legs extended, knees slightly bent, braced against the foot bar of a cable rowing machine. Hold in your left hand a single-handle attached to the cable, extending the arm forward, palm down. Feel the stretch in your middle back and your lats. This is the starting position. Pull back on the handle, while straightening your body, leaning slightly backward and thrusting your chest forward. The handle should rotate so that your palm ends up facing your side and be at your waist, not your chest. Your elbows should end up close to your sides at your waist. Bring the shoulder back and the scapula in toward the spine. Exhale during this movement. Return the handle slowly to the starting position, while leaning forward and arms straight, letting your shoulder extend as far as possible. Inhale during this movement. Repeat for the required number of repetitions.

There are a number of muscles in the back, although the two major muscles are the lats and traps. The lats pulls the arm back and down towards the spine. The traps pull the shoulder blades back and towards the spine.

Step 1

Sit in a cable row machine, feet braced, knees bent slightly. Lean forward, holding a single-handle in your right hand, arms straight.


Sit with legs extended, knees slightly bent, braced against the foot bar of a cable rowing machine. Hold in your right hand a single-handle attached to the cable, extending the arm forward, palm down. Feel the stretch in your middle back and your lats. This is the starting position.

Step 2

Pull back the handle to your waist, leaning back slightly, elbows close to your waist, shoulders back.


Pull back on the handle, while straightening your body, leaning slightly backward and thrusting your chest forward. The handle should rotate so that your palm ends up facing your side and be at your waist, not your chest. Your elbows should end up close to your sides at your waist. Bring the shoulder back and the scapula in toward the spine. Exhale during this movement.

Step 3

Return to the starting position, leaning forward, arms straight, shoulders extended.


Return the handle slowly to the starting position, while leaning forward and arms straight, letting your shoulder extend as far as possible. Inhale during this movement. Repeat as required.

Step 4

Sit in a cable row machine, feet braced, knees bent slightly. Lean forward, holding a single-handle in your left hand, arms straight.


Sit with legs extended, knees slightly bent, braced against the foot bar of a cable rowing machine. Hold in your left hand a single-handle attached to the cable, extending the arm forward, palm down. Feel the stretch in your middle back and your lats. This is the starting position.

Step 5

Pull back the handle to your waist, leaning back slightly, elbows close to your waist, shoulders back.


Pull back on the handle, while straightening your body, leaning slightly backward and thrusting your chest forward. The handle should rotate so that your palm ends up facing your side and be at your waist, not your chest. Your elbows should end up close to your sides at your waist. Bring the shoulder back and the scapula in toward the spine. Exhale during this movement.

Step 6

Return to the starting position, leaning forward, arms straight, shoulders extended.


Return the handle slowly to the starting position, while leaning forward and arms straight, letting your shoulder extend as far as possible. Inhale during this movement. Repeat as required.