Wrist Circles - Fundamental

Recommendations: 1-3 Sets, 30-60 Dur

Intermediate Forearms Strength Body Only Gym

Purpose: This exercise provides more flexibility in the wrist.

Benefits: This exercise focuses on wrist flexibility.

Stand upright with your feet about shoulder-width apart and your feet flat on the floor. Extend your lower arms out to the front so that they are parallel to the floor and perpendicular to your body. This is the starting position. Slowly start circling your hands up, right, down, and left. Breathe naturally during this exercise. Repeat this exercise but this time rotating your hands up, left, down, and right. Breathe normally.

A complete forearm program must achieve balanced development for all major forearm muscles. The forearm is involved in six different forearm movements. They include wrist flexion, wrist extension, wrist abduction, wrist adduction, forearm pronation, and forearm supination. There are additional muscles found in the forearm that are involved in movements like elbow flexion (brachioradialis), finger flexion, and finger extension.

Step 1

Stand with feet about shoulder-width apart, hands in front of your body, forearms parallel to the floor.


Stand upright with your feet about shoulder-width apart and your feet flat on the floor. Extend your lower arms out to the front so that they are parallel to the floor and perpendicular to your body. This is the starting position.

Step 2

Gently raise your wrists up.


Gently raise your wrists up, like you are pointing your fingers to the ceiling, preparing to rotate them to the back. Breathe normally.

Step 3

Gently rotate your right wrist to the right and your left wrist to the left.


Gently rotate your right wrist to the right and your left wrist to the left, pointing directly out to the sides, preparing to continue the circle down. Breathe normally.

Step 4

Gently rotate your wrists downwards.


Gently rotate your wrists down, letting them point to the floor, preparing to continue the circle to the front. Breathe normally.

Step 5

Gently rotate your right wrist to the left and your left wrist to the right.


Gently rotate your right wrist to the left and your left wrist to the right, pointing them to the opposite sides, preparing to continue the circle up.

Step 6

Gently rotate your wrists up.


Gently rotate your wrists up and continue the circles until all required are completed. Breathe normally. Repeat as required.

Step 7

Stand with feet about shoulder-width apart, hands in front of your body, forearms parallel to the floor.


Stand upright with your feet about shoulder-width apart and your feet flat on the floor. Extend your lower arms out to the front so that they are parallel to the floor and perpendicular to your body. This is the starting position.

Step 8

Gently raise your wrists up.


Gently raise your wrists up, like you are pointing your fingers to the ceiling, preparing to rotate them to the back. Breathe normally.

Step 9

Gently rotate your right wrist to the left and your left wrist to the right.


Gently rotate your right wrist to the left and your left wrist to the right, pointing directly out to the opposite sides, preparing to continue the circle down. Breathe normally.

Step 10

Gently rotate your wrists downwards.


Gently rotate your wrists down, letting them point to the floor, preparing to continue the circle to the front. Breathe normally.

Step 11

Gently rotate your right wrist to the right and your left wrist to the left.


Gently rotate your right wrist to the right and your left wrist to the left, pointing them to the sides, preparing to continue the circle up.

Step 12

Gently rotate your wrists up.


Gently rotate your wrists up and continue the circles until all required are completed. Breathe normally. Repeat as required.