Stretch - Seated Front Deltoid

Recommendations: 2-3 Sets, 8-12 Reps, 10-20 Dur

Anterior Delts Chest Stretching Body Only Gym

Purpose: This exercise stretches the front deltoid muscle area.

Benefits: This exercise isolates the anterior delt muscle.

Sit upright on an exercise mat on the floor. Your legs should be bent and your feet flat on the floor. Position your arms straight out from the shoulders and move them behind you. Your palms will be facing downwards to the ground. Your workout partner stands behind you and holds your wrists. This is the starting position. Attempt to move your arms to the front. keep your elbows straight. Your workout partner will prevent this movement. Hold this movement for 10-20 seconds. Breathe normally. Relax your muscles. Allow your partner to increase the stretch on the shoulders using gentle pressure. Hold for 10-20 seconds. Breathe normally. Return to the starting position. Sit upright on an exercise mat on the floor. Your legs should be bent and your feet flat on the floor. Position your arms straight out from the shoulders and move them behind you. Your palms will be facing downwards to the ground. Your workout partner stands behind you and holds your wrists. Repeat for the required number of repetitions.

The anterior (front) deltoid or shoulder is one of the three distinct heads of the deltoid anatomy. It raises the arm toward the front and rotates the arm inward.

Step 1

Sit on the floor, arms out to the sides but behind the body.


Sit upright on an exercise mat on the floor. Your legs should be bent and your feet flat on the floor. Position your arms straight out from the shoulders and move them behind you. Your palms will be facing downwards to the ground. Your workout partner stands behind you and holds your wrists. This is the starting position.

Step 2

Try to move the arms to the front while your partner prevents this movement.


Attempt to move your arms to the front. keep your elbows straight. Your workout partner will prevent this movement. Hold this movement for 10-20 seconds. Breathe normally.

Step 3

Relax your muscles and let your partner pull your arms back further.


Relax your muscles. Allow your partner to increase the stretch on the shoulders using gentle pressure. Hold for 10-20 seconds. Breathe normally.

Step 4

Return to the starting position.


Return to the starting position. Sit upright on an exercise mat on the floor. Your legs should be bent and your feet flat on the floor. Position your arms straight out from the shoulders and move them behind you. Your palms will be facing downwards to the ground. Your workout partner stands behind you and holds your wrists.