Stretch - Elbows Back

Recommendations: 1-3 Sets, 4-8 Reps, 15-25 Dur

Beginner Chest Stretching Body Only Gym

Purpose: This exercise is used to stretch the chest muscles.

Benefits: This exercise stretches the chest and anterior delts.

Stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart. Place both hands on your lower back just above the hips, fingers pointed downwards and elbows out. This is your starting position. Gently pull your elbows back trying to touch them together. Maintain the position of your hands on your lower back. Breathe normally. Slowly return to the starting position. Breathe normally. Stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart. Place both hands on your lower back just above the hips, fingers pointed downwards and elbows out. Repeat for the recommended number of repetitions.

The chest is composed of the Pectoralis Major and the Pectoralis Minor. The Pec Major attaches to the upper arm and pulls the upper arm across the chest. The Pec Minor lies mostly underneath the Pec Major and draws the shoulder blade down and forward.

Step 1

Stand upright, hands on your lower back.


Stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart. Place both hands on your lower back just above the hips, fingers pointed downwards and elbows out. This is your starting position.

Step 2

Gently pull your elbows tougher without moving your hands.


Gently pull your elbows back trying to touch them together. Maintain the position of your hands on your lower back. Breathe normally.

Step 3

Return to the starting position.


Slowly return to the starting position. Breathe normally. Stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart. Place both hands on your lower back just above the hips, fingers pointed downwards and elbows out.