Stretch - Dynamic Chest

Recommendations: 1-3 Sets, 5-10 Reps, 5-15 Dur

Beginner Chest Middle Back Stretching Body Only Gym Home

Purpose: This exercise increases strength and strength speed.

Benefits: Bands can be used to increase strength speed.

Stand upright with your feet about shoulder-width apart. Position your arms straight out in front of you just below shoulder height. This is your starting position. Move your arms back as far as possible, keeping your arms straight, and back in again. This is like an exaggerated clapping motion and is done quickly. Repeat this motion 5-10 times, increasing the speed each time.

The chest is composed of the Pectoralis Major and the Pectoralis Minor. The Pec Major attaches to the upper arm and pulls the upper arm across the chest. The Pec Minor lies mostly underneath the Pec Major and draws the shoulder blade down and forward.

Step 1

Stand upright with your arms straight out in front of you.


Stand upright with your feet about shoulder-width apart. Position your arms straight out in front of you just below shoulder height. This is your starting position.

Step 2

Quickly move your arms back as far as possible and then in again like an exaggerated clapping motion. Repeat 5-10 times increasing speed.


Move your arms back as far as possible, keeping your arms straight, and back in again. This is like an exaggerated clapping motion and is done quickly. Repeat this motion 5-10 times, increasing the speed each time.