Stretch - Chest Behind Head

Recommendations: 1-3 Sets, 10-15 Reps, 10-20 Dur

Intermediate Chest Shoulders Stretching Body Only Gym

Purpose: This exercise loosens up and stretches the chest muscles.

Benefits: This exercise ensures that your chest muscles are ready for lifting exercises.

Sit on the floor with your legs in front of you in a comfortable position. A workout partner stands behind you. Place your hands behind your head and have your partner hold your elbows. This is the starting position. As you attempt to pull your elbows forward towards the centre of your chest, you partner will prevent your elbows from moving forward. Exhale during this movement. Relax briefly. Your partner should pull your elbows back as far as it is comfortable for you while you do not resist. Let your partner know as soon as the stretch is becomes uncomfortable to prevent overstretching or injury.

The Pecs play a big part, with the Biceps, when you lift any object, from shopping bags to dumbbells. These muscles are often injured during lifting exercises.

Step 1

Sit with your hands behind your head. Your partner holds your elbows.


Sit on the floor with your legs in front of you in a comfortable position. A workout partner stands behind you. Place your hands behind your head and have your partner hold your elbows. This is the starting position.

Step 2

You pull your elbows forward against your partner's resistance.


As you attempt to pull your elbows forward towards the centre of your chest, you partner will prevent your elbows from moving forward. Exhale during this movement.

Step 3

Your partner gently pulls back your elbows.


Relax briefly. Your partner should pull your elbows back as far as it is comfortable for you while you do not resist. Let your partner know as soon as the stretch is becomes uncomfortable to prevent overstretching or injury.