Shoulder Raise - Basic

Recommendations: 1-3 Sets, 10-15 Reps

Beginner Shoulders Lats Stretching Body Only Gym Home

Purpose: This exercise focuses on working the entire shoulder joint and makes an excellent warm-up before any resistance or weigh training involving the shoulders.

Benefits: This exercise tones and tightens your shoulders.

Stand upright with your feet about shoulder-width apart and your feet flat on the floor. Let your shoulders relax and your arms hang loosely at your sides. This is the starting position. Raise your shoulders up towards your ear in a shrugging movement. Pause briefly. Breathe normally. Return your shoulders to the starting position. Breathe normally. Repeat this movement for the required number of repetitions.

Shoulder raises require little time, yet can give good benefits when done regularly. They can be done almost anywhere, without special equipment. The three heads of the deltoid muscles require regular movement to ensure their flexibility and mobility.

Step 1

Stand straight with your shoulders relaxed and arms hanging loosely at your sides.


Stand upright with your feet about shoulder-width apart and your feet flat on the floor. Let your shoulders relax and your arms hang loosely at your sides. This is the starting position.

Step 2

Raise your shoulders up towards your ear in a shrugging movement. Pause briefly.


Raise your shoulders up towards your ear in a shrugging movement. Pause briefly. Breathe normally. Do not bend your elbows.

Step 3

Return your shoulders to the starting position.


Return your shoulders to the starting position. Breathe normally. Stand upright with your feet about shoulder-width apart and your feet flat on the floor. Let your shoulders relax and your arms hang loosely at your sides.