Push Up - Kettlebell Plyo

Recommendations: 1-3 Sets, 15-20 Reps

Chest Triceps Kettlebell Push Compound Gym

Purpose: This exercise increases strength and produces greater functional strength for pressing movements.

Benefits: Pushups are a basic body weight chest exercise. The difficulty in this exercise is to switch hands between repetitions.

Place a kettlebell on the floor. Place yourself in a pushup position, on your toes with the left hand on the ground and the right hand holding the kettlebell, with your elbows extended. Keep your toes on the floor and your back straight. This is your starting position. Lower yourself as low as you can go. Inhale during this movement. Keep your back straight throughout the exercise. As you reach the lowest position, forcefully reverse direction, straightening your elbows, pushing yourself up. As you reach the top, switch to the right hand on the floor and the left hand holding the kettlebell. Exhale during this movement. Lower yourself as low as you can go. Inhale during this movement. Keep your back straight throughout the exercise. As you reach the lowest position, forcefully reverse direction, straightening your elbows, pushing yourself up. As you reach the top, switch to the left hand on the floor and the right hand holding the kettlebell. Exhale during this movement. Repeat for the recommended number of repetitions.

The chest is composed of the Pectoralis Major and the Pectoralis Minor. The Pec Major attaches to the upper arm and pulls the upper arm across the chest. The Pec Minor lies mostly underneath the Pec Major and draws the shoulder blade down and forward.

Step 1

Lie face down in pushup position, right hand holding the kettlebell, left hand on the floor.


Place a kettlebell on the floor. Place yourself in a pushup position, on your toes with the left hand on the ground and the right hand holding the kettlebell, with your elbows extended. Keep your toes on the floor and your back straight. This is your starting position.

Step 2

Bend your elbows, lowering yourself to the floor.


Lower yourself as low as you can go. Inhale during this movement. Keep your back straight throughout the exercise.

Step 3

Push up quickly, switching hands.


As you reach the lowest position, forcefully reverse direction, straightening your elbows, pushing yourself up. As you reach the top, switch to the right hand on the floor and the left hand holding the kettlebell. Exhale during this movement.

Step 4

Bend your elbows, lowering yourself to the floor.


Lower yourself as low as you can go. Inhale during this movement. Keep your back straight throughout the exercise.

Step 5

Push up quickly, switching hands.


As you reach the lowest position, forcefully reverse direction, straightening your elbows, pushing yourself up. As you reach the top, switch to the left hand on the floor and the right hand holding the kettlebell. Exhale during this movement.