Plate Pinch - Basic

Recommendations: 1-3 Sets, 100 Wght, 0 Dur

Intermediate Forearms Fingers Strength Plate Gym

Purpose: This exercise strengthens the forearm muscles as well as finger strength.

Benefits: This exercise focuses finger gripping and strength. To get the greatest benefit from this exercise, ensure that you hold the plates until you cannot hold them any longer, then minimum rest and do it again.

With each hand, grasp 1 or more wide-rimmed plates, using your fingers on the outside and your thumb on the inside. Stand upright. This is your starting position. Squeeze the plates together and hold for as long as you can. Breathe normally. Lower the plates to the starting position just before you are ready to drop them. Breathe normally. Repeat for the required number of repetitions. Note that the length of time you can hold the plates will decrease as the number of repetitions increase.

A complete forearm program must achieve balanced development for all major forearm muscles. The forearm is involved in six different forearm movements. They include wrist flexion, wrist extension, wrist abduction, wrist adduction, forearm pronation, and forearm supination. There are additional muscles found in the forearm that are involved in movements like elbow flexion (brachioradialis), finger flexion, and finger extension.

Step 1

With each hand, grasp 1 or more wide-rimmed plates, using your fingers on the outside and your thumb on the inside. Stand upright.


With each hand, grasp 1 or more wide-rimmed plates, using your fingers on the outside and your thumb on the inside. Stand upright. This is your starting position.

Step 2

Squeeze the plates together and hold for as long as you can.


Squeeze the plates together and hold for as long as you can. Breathe normally. Ensure that your knees are bent slightly to reduce stress on the lower back.

Step 3

Lower the plates to the starting position just before you are ready to drop them.


Lower the plates to the starting position just before you are ready to drop them. Breathe normally. Maintain the slight bend in your knees.