Leg Raise - Side

Recommendations: 1-2 Sets, 10-15 Reps

Beginner Abductors Glutes Obliques Strength Body Only Push Gym Home

Purpose: This exercise is a controlled, balanced glute exercise for abducting the hip.

Benefits: This is a good exercise for core glute muscle development.

Stand upright with your feet about shoulder-width apart. If you need to, support yourself by holding onto a vertical pole, a wall or support. Your right side should be closest to the support. Place your right foot at a slight angle towards the support. Move your left foot in front of your right ankle with the toe pointing straight ahead. Face forward, not downwards. This is the starting position. Raise your left leg straight out to the side as high as you can. Your foot should be parallel with the floor. Exhale during this movement. Slowly lower your left leg from the raised position about 1-1.5 feet. Raise your left foot again, with a slow and controlled movement. Repeat up and down for the required number of repetitions without touching your foot to the ground. Repeat with the right leg. Stand upright with your feet about shoulder-width apart. If you need to, support yourself by holding onto a vertical pole, a wall or support. Your left side should be closest to the support. Place your left foot at a slight angle towards the support. Move your right foot in front of your left ankle with the toe pointing straight ahead. Face forward, not downwards. This is the starting position. Raise your right leg straight out to the side as high as you can. Your foot should be parallel with the floor. Exhale during this movement. Slowly lower your right leg from the raised position about 1-1.5 feet. Raise your right foot again, with a slow and controlled movement. Repeat up and down for the required number of repetitions without touching your foot to the ground.

The glutes consist of the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus. They create hip joint motion to lift the thigh forward, lift the thigh to the side, rotate the leg inward, and rotate the thigh outward. There is also the Tensor Fasciae Latae that abducts the hip.

Step 1

Stand upright, supported by a pole, right foot angled slightly, left foot in front of right ankle.


Stand upright with your feet about shoulder-width apart. If you need to, support yourself by holding onto a vertical pole, a wall or support. Your right side should be closest to the support. Place your right foot at a slight angle towards the support. Move your left foot in front of your right ankle with the toe pointing straight ahead. Face forward, not downwards. This is the starting position.

Step 2

Raise your left leg straight out to the side as high as you can, foot parallel to the floor.


Raise your left leg straight out to the side as high as you can. Your foot should be parallel with the floor. Exhale during this movement.

Step 3

Slowly lower left leg only about 1 foot. Raise the leg again, with a controlled movement.


Slowly lower your left leg from the raised position about 1-1.5 feet. Raise your left foot again, with a slow and controlled movement. Repeat as required.

Step 4

Stand upright, supported by a pole, left foot angled slightly, right foot in front of left ankle.


Stand upright with your feet about shoulder-width apart. If you need to, support yourself by holding onto a vertical pole, a wall or support. Your left side should be closest to the support. Place your left foot at a slight angle towards the support. Move your right foot in front of your left ankle with the toe pointing straight ahead. Face forward, not downwards. This is the starting position.

Step 5

Raise your right leg straight out to the side as high as you can, foot parallel to the floor.


Raise your right leg straight out to the side as high as you can. Your foot should be parallel with the floor. Exhale during this movement.

Step 6

Slowly lower right leg only about 1 foot. Raise the leg again, with a controlled movement.


Slowly lower your right leg from the raised position about 1-1.5 feet. Raise your right foot again, with a slow and controlled movement. Repeat as required.