Crossover - Cable

Recommendations: 2-3 Sets, 6-10 Reps, 80 Wght

Beginner Chest Shoulders Strength High Low Cable Machine Pull Gym

Purpose: This exercise the action of the pecs pulling across the chest, especially focused on the middle pecs.

Benefits: This exercise isolates the section of the pecs along the sternum. Using the cable ensures that tension remains on the muscles for the entire range of motion.

Stand in the middle of a cross body cable pulley machine. Grasp a handle in each hand. Your shoulders should stretch out and up as far as possible, body upright. This is the starting position. Pull the handles towards each other until they touch by rotating your arms downwards and hunching your shoulders forward and down. Keep your elbows slightly bent. Lean into the movement. At the end of the movement, your arms should be pointed straight down, palms facing each other. Exhale during this movement. Pause briefly. Slowly let the handles return to the starting position. Let your chest and shoulder muscles stretch. Inhale during this movement. Repeat for the recommended number of repetitions.

The chest is composed of the Pectoralis Major and the Pectoralis Minor. The Pec Major attaches to the upper arm and pulls the upper arm across the chest. The Pec Minor lies mostly underneath the Pec Major and draws the shoulder blade down and forward.

Step 1

In a cross over pulley machine, hold the handles, elbows slightly bent, body upright, and shoulders stretched out and up.


Stand in the middle of a cross body cable pulley machine. Grasp a handle in each hand. Your shoulders should stretch out and up as far as possible, body upright. This is the starting position.

Step 2

Pull the handles together in front of your chest, contracting the chest muscles, leaning into the movement, arms straight down.


Pull the handles towards each other until they touch by rotating your arms downwards and hunching your shoulders forward and down. Keep your elbows slightly bent. Lean into the movement. At the end of the movement, your arms should be pointed straight down, palms facing each other. Exhale during this movement. Pause briefly.

Step 3

Slowly let the handles return to the starting position, letting your chest and shoulder muscles stretch.


Slowly let the handles return to the starting position. Let your chest and shoulder muscles stretch. Inhale during this movement. Hold a handle in each hand. Your shoulders should stretch out and up as far as possible, body upright.