Cardio - Skating

Recommendations: 1200 Dur, 50-90 Spd

Intermediate Quads Hamstrings Hip Flexors Hip Extensors Calves Glutes Cardio Skates Outdoor

Purpose: This exercise improves cardio fitness.

Benefits: Skating has benefit of ensuring that skater does not have stress problems at the knee or ankle joints.

Vary your skating speed from slow to very fast and back to slow. If you can, skate on surfaces of different levels of difficulty such as hills. During the very intense speed skating, you may be gasping for breath. However you should space periods of moderate or low intense skating (on level ground), you should be able to speak normally (without gasping).

Research has shown that people who spend long periods of time jogging, on treadmills, or stationary bikes, at a relative constant rate of speed, actually lose heart size and fitness. In addition, the body stores more fat to ensure that it can meet the demands of this marathon. But those who do short bursts (1-5 minutes) of intensive exercising and then cool down for another 2-5 minutes have better heart fitness and the muscles of their heart are stronger. Short bursts of intensive exercising have another benefit. The body actually burns more fat and continues to do it for 2-4 hours after the exercise has been completed. This means that your metabolic rate is higher and you will lose fat and be slimmer.

Step 1

Choose the type of skating you will do and the place to skate.


Select an area for skating that you can do skating of different levels of skating intensity. You may choose to skate in an arena or outside on a rink or frozen river. Allow yourself plenty of room for the intense (speed) skating.

Step 2

Glide on your right skate while pushing with your left skate.


Glide on your right skate. Push off with your left foot. If you are using figure skates, you push off with your toe picks. If you are using hockey skates, push off with the inside edge of your blade. During the very intense skating, you may be gasping for breath. However you should space periods of moderate or low intense skating, you should be able to speak normally (without gasping).

Step 3

Glide on your left skate while pushing with your right skate.


Glide on your left skate. Push off with your right foot. If you are using figure skates, you push off with your toe picks. If you are using hockey skates, push off with the inside edge of your blade. During the very intense skating, you may be gasping for breath. However you should space periods of moderate or low intense skating, you should be able to speak normally (without gasping).