Wrist Curl - Reverse Dumbbell Single

Recommendations: 2-3 Sets, 0 Reps, 80-90 Wght

Beginner Forearms Strength Dumbbell Flat Bench Pull Gym

Purpose: This exercise strengthens the muscles that extend the wrist.

Benefits: This exercise focuses on the wrist extensors and indirectly on the brachioradialis.

Kneel beside a flat bench. Grasp, with an extremely tight grip, a dumbbell in your right hand, with an overhand grip (reverse grip), and place your right forearm on the bench. Your wrist should overhang the bench slightly, your forearm at a slight diagonal so that your elbow is pointing just outside the width of your body. Your elbow should be slightly above the bench, your wrist bent down. This is your starting position. Bring your right wrist up and rotate your elbow so that your forearm end up perpendicular to the edge of the bench and your elbow ends up down against the bench. Exhale during this movement. Slowly lower the dumbbell to the starting position. Inhale during this movement. Hold, with an extremely tight grip, a dumbbell in your right hand, with an overhand grip (reverse grip), and place your right forearm on the bench. Your wrist should overhang the bench slightly, your forearm at a slight diagonal so that your elbow is pointing just outside the width of your body. Your elbow should be slightly above the bench, your wrist bent down. Repeat for the required number of repetitions. Kneel beside a flat bench. Grasp, with an extremely tight grip, a dumbbell in your left hand, with an overhand grip (reverse grip), and place your left forearm on the bench. Your wrist should overhang the bench slightly, your forearm at a slight diagonal so that your elbow is pointing just outside the width of your body. Your elbow should be slightly above the bench, your wrist bent down. This is your starting position. Bring your left wrist up and rotate your elbow so that your forearm end up perpendicular to the edge of the bench and your elbow ends up down against the bench. Exhale during this movement. Slowly lower the dumbbell to the starting position. Inhale during this movement. Hold, with an extremely tight grip, a dumbbell in your left hand, with an overhand grip (reverse grip), and place your left forearm on the bench. Your wrist should overhang the bench slightly, your forearm at a slight diagonal so that your elbow is pointing just outside the width of your body. Your elbow should be slightly above the bench, your wrist bent down. Repeat for the required number of repetitions.

A complete forearm program must achieve balanced development for all major forearm muscles. The forearm is involved in six different forearm movements. They include wrist flexion, wrist extension, wrist abduction, wrist adduction, forearm pronation, and forearm supination. There are additional muscles found in the forearm that are involved in movements like elbow flexion (brachioradialis), finger flexion, and finger extension.

Step 1

Kneel beside a flat bench, holding a dumbbell in your right hand, palms down, overhanging the bench.


Kneel beside a flat bench. Grasp, with an extremely tight grip, a dumbbell in your right hand, with an overhand grip (reverse grip), and place your right forearm on the bench. Your wrist should overhang the bench slightly, your forearm at a slight diagonal so that your elbow is pointing just outside the width of your body. Your elbow should be slightly above the bench, your wrist bent down. This is your starting position.

Step 2

Bring your right wrist up, rotating elbow so forearms are parallel and elbow on the bench.


Bring your right wrist up and rotate your elbow so that your forearm end up perpendicular to the edge of the bench and your elbow ends up down against the bench. Exhale during this movement.

Step 3

Lower the dumbbell to the starting position.


Slowly lower the dumbbell to the starting position. Inhale during this movement. Hold, with an extremely tight grip, a dumbbell in your right hand, with an overhand grip (reverse grip), and place your right forearm on the bench. Your wrist should overhang the bench slightly, your forearm at a slight diagonal so that your elbow is pointing just outside the width of your body. Your elbow should be slightly above the bench, your wrist bent down. Repeat as required.

Step 4

Kneel beside a flat bench, holding a dumbbell in your left hand, palms down, overhanging the bench.


Kneel beside a flat bench. Grasp, with an extremely tight grip, a dumbbell in your left hand, with an overhand grip (reverse grip), and place your left forearm on the bench. Your wrist should overhang the bench slightly, your forearm at a slight diagonal so that your elbow is pointing just outside the width of your body. Your elbow should be slightly above the bench, your wrist bent down. This is your starting position.

Step 5

Bring your left wrist up, rotating elbow so forearms are parallel and elbow on the bench.


Bring your left wrist up and rotate your elbow so that your forearm end up perpendicular to the edge of the bench and your elbow ends up down against the bench. Exhale during this movement.

Step 6

Lower the dumbbell to the starting position.


Slowly lower the dumbbell to the starting position. Inhale during this movement. Hold, with an extremely tight grip, a dumbbell in your left hand, with an overhand grip (reverse grip), and place your left forearm on the bench. Your wrist should overhang the bench slightly, your forearm at a slight diagonal so that your elbow is pointing just outside the width of your body. Your elbow should be slightly above the bench, your wrist bent down. Repeat as required.