Recommendations: 2-3 Sets, 6-10 Reps, 80 Wght
In a power rack, attach appropriate bands to a barbell. Position a box of the desired height behind where you will stand. Step under the bar and balance the bar on your shoulders behind and just below your neck. You may want to wrap a towel around the bar for padding. The bar should now be centered on your upper back. Keep your back straight, not curved, and your head looking straight forward, not down. The hands are placed about shoulder width apart and hold the bar with an overhand grip. Step away from the rack and position your feet shoulder width apart and your toes facing forward. This is your starting position. Slowly bend through your knees until your hips come just over the box, without touching it. Inhale during this part of the exercise movement. Return to the upright position. To start the upward movement, push your glutes forward and up. Exhale during the upward movement. Repeat for the recommended number of repetitions.
Step 1
With the bar on your traps, step out of the rack.
In a power rack, attach appropriate bands to a barbell. Position a box of the desired height behind where you will stand. Step under the bar and balance the bar on your shoulders behind and just below your neck. You may want to wrap a towel around the bar for padding. The bar should now be centered on your upper back. Keep your back straight, not curved, and your head looking straight forward, not down. The hands are placed about shoulder width apart and hold the bar with an overhand grip. Step away from the rack and position your feet shoulder width apart and your toes facing forward. This is your starting position.
Step 3
Stand up with the weight on your back, by pushing through the heels and pushing your butt inwards and upwards.
Return to the upright position. To start the upward movement, push your glutes forward and up. Exhale during the upward movement. Keep your back straight, not curved, and your head looking straight forward, not down, for the entire movement.