Shrug - Seated Barbell Behind Wide

Recommendations: 2-3 Sets, 6-10 Reps, 80 Wght

Beginner Traps Strength Barbell Flat Bench Pull Gym

Purpose: This exercise focuses on the middle traps.

Benefits: Exercising the traps will provide a thicker, larger and more powerful back development which will help in other exercises and minimize injuries.

Sit at the end of a flat bench, facing down the bench. Hold a barbell behind your back with an underhand grip. Your hands should be wider than shoulder-width apart. This is the starting position. Perform a shrug, raising your shoulders as high as you can. Exhale during this movement. Hold the contraction briefly (about 1-2 seconds). Do not bend your arms during the movement. Slowly lower the barbell to the starting positions. Inhale during this movement. Hold a barbell behind your back with an underhand grip. Your hands should be wider than shoulder-width apart. Repeat for the recommended number of repetitions.

The trapezius is a large muscle group which is located in your upper body just below the neck and between your deltoid (shoulder) muscles. A prime means of working the traps directly is to use a shrug exercise.

Step 1

Sit at the end of a flat bench with the barbell held behind your back with your arms extended.


Sit at the end of a flat bench, facing down the bench. Hold a barbell behind your back with an underhand grip. Your hands should be wider than shoulder-width apart. This is the starting position.

Step 2

Shrug your shoulders, raising them as high as you can.


Perform a shrug, raising your shoulders as high as you can. Exhale during this movement. Hold the contraction briefly (about 1-2 seconds). Do not bend your arms during the movement.

Step 3

Lowe the barbell to the starting position.


Slowly lower the barbell to the starting positions. Inhale during this movement. Hold the barbell behind your back with an underhand grip.