Knee Raise - Hip On Parallel Bars

Recommendations: 2-3 Sets, 10-15 Reps

Beginner Abdominals Hip Flexors Strength Roman Chair Pull Gym

Purpose: This exercise works the abdominals.

Benefits: This exercise is a great way to fine tune your abdominals and your hip flexors.

Use a set of parallel bars. Rest your forearms on the pads and grasp the handles. Press your back against the back pad. Allow your legs to hang straight down. This is the starting position. Raise your legs, bending your legs until your knees touch your chest. Your hips should come forward as you raise your legs. Exhale during this movement. Pause briefly. Lower your legs to the starting position. Inhale during this movement. Do not allow yourself to start swinging. Repeat for the required number of repetitions.

The abdominals consist of the abs and the obliques. The abs can be divided into upper abs and lower abs. The upper abs are involved in work done with the lower abs and with twisting movements (obliques).

Step 1

Us a set of parallel bars, grasping the handles, forearms on the pads. Press your back against the back pad, allowing your legs to hang.


Use a set of parallel bars. Rest your forearms on the pads and grasp the handles. Press your back against the back pad. Allow your legs to hang straight down. This is the starting position.

Step 2

Raise your legs bending your knees until touch your chest, hips rocking forward as the legs rise. Pause briefly.


Raise your legs, bending your legs until your knees touch your chest. Your hips should come forward as you raise your legs. Exhale during this movement. Pause briefly.

Step 3

Lower your legs to the starting position. Do not allow yourself to start swinging.


Lower your legs to the starting position. Inhale during this movement. Do not allow yourself to start swinging.