Recommendations: 2-3 Sets, 10-15 Reps, 80 Wght
Sit on a flat bench in a Smith Machine and place the balls of your toes on a block to raise the heels from the floor. Your heels extend off the block. Place your thighs under the weighted bar. Lower your heels to a negative position (heels lower than your toes). This is the starting position. With an explosive motion, raise your right knee only by lifting your right heel as high as you while keeping the balls of your feet on the block. Exhale during this movement. Slowly lower your right heel and return to the starting position. Inhale during this movement. Place your thighs under the weighted bar. Lower your heels to a negative position (heels lower than your toes). Repeat for the recommended number of repetitions. Sit on a flat bench in a Smith Machine and place the balls of your toes on a block to raise the heels from the floor. Your heels extend off the block. Place your thighs under the weighted bar. Lower your heels to a negative position (heels lower than your toes). This is the starting position. With an explosive motion, raise your left knee only by lifting your left heel as high as you while keeping the balls of your feet on the block. Exhale during this movement. Slowly lower your left heel and return to the starting position. Inhale during this movement. Place your thighs under the weighted bar. Lower your heels to a negative position (heels lower than your toes). Repeat for the recommended number of repetitions.
Step 1
Sit in the machine, toes on a block, thighs under the bar, heels in a negative position.
Sit on a flat bench in a Smith Machine and place the balls of your toes on a block to raise the heels from the floor. Your heels extend off the block. Place your thighs under the weighted bar. Lower your heels to a negative position (heels lower than your toes). This is the starting position.