Barbell Curl - Incline

Recommendations: 2-3 Sets, 6-10 Reps, 80 Wght

Beginner Biceps Strength Barbell Incline Bench Pull Gym

Purpose: This exercise isolates the biceps muscles and reduces cheating in the curl movement.

Benefits: This exercise allows a very complete range of motion compared to other curl movements.

Lie on your stomach against an incline bench. Hold a barbell hanging down in a horizontal line under the top part of the incline bench. This is your starting position. While keeping your upper arms stationary, curl the barbell up while contracting your biceps until it is as high as you can lift it. Exhale while doing this movement. Only the forearms should move. Do not swing the arms. Slowly lower the barbell to the starting point. Inhale during this movement. Pause briefly at the starting point (about 1-2 seconds) before doing the next repetition to ensure that you do not swing the arms. Repeat for the required number of repetitions.

The biceps is a straight muscle with two heads. The long head of the biceps crosses both the elbow and the shoulder joint. It bends the elbow and raises the arm forward at the shoulder. The short head crosses the elbow joint and, in conjunction with the brachioradialis, supinates the hand. This exercise is basically the same movement as a preacher curl, but the body is supported and the use of momentum is minimized.

Step 1

Lie on your stomach on an incline bench with your arms hanging down holding a barbell.


Lie on your stomach against an incline bench. Hold a barbell hanging down in a horizontal line under the top part of the incline bench. This is your starting position.

Step 2

Without moving your upper arms, curl the barbell as high as you can.


While keeping your upper arms stationary, curl the barbell up while contracting your biceps until it is as high as you can lift it. Exhale while doing this movement. Only the forearms should move. Do not swing the arms.

Step 3

Slowly lower the barbell back to the starting position.


Slowly lower the barbell to the starting point. Inhale during this movement. Pause briefly at the starting point (about 1-2 seconds) before doing the next repetition to ensure that you do not swing the arms.