Balance - Board

Recommendations: 60-2400 Dur

Beginner Calves Quads Balance Board Functional Compound Gym Home

Purpose: The main aim of using a balance board is to improve proprioception. This is our sense and awareness of the position of our body parts. Having good proprioception helps to reduce the risk of injury.

Benefits: A balance board is used to develop balance, motor coordination skills, weight distribution and core strength, to prepare you to avoid injurious falls, to prevent sports injuries especially to the ankle and knee, and for injury rehabilitation.

Position the balance board on a cleared area on the floor. Stand behind it (roller board or rocker-roller board) or beside it (wobble board or sphere and ring board). This is the starting position. In a controlled and deliberate manner, stand on the board. Depending upon the type of balance board you have, maintain your balance in all ranges of movement available. Maintain your balance, initially for 1-3 minutes, increasing the duration for up to 10 minutes.

A balance board is a device used for recreation, balance training, athletic training, brain development, therapy, musical training and other kinds of personal development. There are four types of balance boards, each providing a different challenge. What differentiates the four types is how unstable each of them is (i.e., in how many and in which of the three dimensions of space each board turns and/or sways and how freely its fulcrum contacts the board and the ground). The four types are the rocker board which is similar to a teeter-totter., A wobble board that tilts toward 360 degrees, a rocker-roller board which is similar to the rocker board except that the fulcrum can move from one-end of the board to the other, and a sphere and ring board which provides the greatest freedom of movement in both transverse and longitudinal directions.

Step 1

Stand behind the balance board on a cleared floor area.


Position the balance board on a cleared area on the floor. Stand behind it (roller board or rocker-roller board) or beside it (wobble board or sphere and ring board). This is the starting position.

Step 2

Balance on the board as long as you can.


In a controlled and deliberate manner, stand on the board. Depending upon the type of balance board you have, maintain your balance in all ranges of movement available. Maintain your balance, initially for 1-3 minutes, increasing the duration for up to 10 minutes.